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Saturday, August 25, 2018

Please bring back unconditional LOVE for our human beings

I am writing this down, and please read this all slowly and carefully. Our Country has been infiltrated and we must wake these people up.

I am a veteran of this country, I served in both gulf Wars under Bush SR and Bush Jr. I was willing to give my life for all people in this nation to have freedom and now I see MSM the clown news the liberal left, Democrat brain washed zombies desecrate the very thing that I served to protect people from.

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I remember when we went to school and children of every race played together with no hatred for one another based on color of skin sexual origin, or even religious beliefs.

I remember when, in this country, freedom was about being free to express yourself and if people did not agree with you they never attacked or bullied you because you did not agree with them.

I remember when our children were able to be spontaneous and free, and empowered to use their creativity and their innocence were protected.

I remember when it did not take a major crisis for people to care about one another

I remember when we were always taught that we had the power to be anything that we wanted to be.

I remember when television shows actually taught lessons to better ourselves and learn a life teaching.

I remember when those same shows taught us that there was some actual justice

I remember when the family tradition was about love, integrity, and respect

I also remember when family meant safety and security.

I remember when we were safe to go to school, even though a lot of people had access to weapons, our children were safe.

I remember when voters actually cared about the actual resume of the person running for office.

I remember when love and humanity were the main drive of life

What happened to us, our country? When did we allow our love for each other to be propoganda and lied to to brew into hate?

What will you do about it?

Please bring back unconditional LOVE for our human beings

I am writing this down, and please read this all slowly and carefully. Our Country has been infiltrated and we must wake...